
Start a Business

Have you been looking for a job for quite a long time with no success, may be your papers are not loud enough to get you through an interview or you’ve been working for quite a long time and now you are just sick about working under very cruel bosses who don’t give a damn about your ideas? Then this is an idea you have probably thought about –to start your own merchandise, but because of fear to fail, you chose to just continue enduring and limiting yourself, but always try and fail but don’t fail to try. I just want to say, every profit making organization is a business enterprise and those working under it are simply in a business environment whether they like it or not. The usual illusion that if you are just an employee you are safe from the business risks and liabilities is a lie. These days companies are retrenching their workers because, they have realized that they can’t keep up with the overhead costs. Another thing is that when you are working under mean and selfish bosses, you are never guaranteed you’ll have room to facilitate your great ideas without attracting trouble from the boss. Thus, they take you as a threat and you are highly limited. I am not saying all employers are bad, but most of them are not comfortable with juniors who are always overshadowing their competences. This are just some of the reasons that might make you think of starting a company, but note that running from your boss shouldn’t be the motivation behind launching your enterprise, you just want a platform where you will facilitate your wonderful business ideas. I am not writing this article to lure you out of your job, but just arousing your entrepreneurship spirit.

So you have this brilliant idea to start a coffee shop, a grocery store, a taxi business, the best Boutique in town and so on. At this stage you are asking yourself, how can you get this idea in your head out to reality? The best and first step to starting an enterprise you need to ask yourself some critical questions and provide answers or find their answers that will ensure nothing but success in your business journey. There is a tool that will carry you through this first step and that is a Business Plan. It is a step-by-step guide that helps you outline your business strategies clearly and should take you through 3-5 years of business. So if you have a fantastic business plan success is guaranteed. The question is how to write a Business Plan? Well, I have written that article too, so just click on this link on How to write a Business Plan, and it will take you through everything. Success!

University of Nairobi
University of Nairobi